September 7, 5:14 pm. P.O. William Daugherty was dispatched to the intersection of Russ Road and Oxford Drive. Daugherty made contact with the complainant/victim Nakysha McNutt. Nakysha stated while walking with her friend Brenda Black and Brenda’s two juvenile children, a black pickup truck pulled up next to them. Levin and Kelly Fost exited the vehicle and began arguing with Nakysha and Brenda about clothes that were given to Nakysha by Kevin. While arguing, Kelly struck Nakysha with a closed fist on the right side of her head once. On September 8, Daugherty made contact with Kelly and Kevin Foster who stated they pulled over because Nakysha was yelling at them in their vehicle. When exiting the vehicle, both Kelly and Kevin stated that Nakysha was yelling at Kelly, shoved her multiple times, and stuck her on the left side of the neck. Due to conflicting statements, both Kelly and Nakysha did not want to press charges.
September 8, 5:03 pm. P.O. Ben Conley responded to Washington Ave in reference to a possible assault. Conley made contact with Samantha Day, who stated that when she went out to the garage, Geanette Henning and Linda Delk were standing outside. Linda began yelling and pushed Samantha and smacked her with an open hand on her chest. Geanette stated she was outside with Linda when Samantha came outside. Geanette stated that Linda pushed Samantha. Samantha filled out a written statement and a victim’s rights form. Geanette filled out a written statement. Sgt. Monin was present and spoke to Linda, who admitted to pushing Samantha in the chest. While speaking to Linda in the garage, she opened a drawer the Sgt. Monin observed a small bag of Marijuana, a grinder, and two smoking pipes inside. Through investigation, it was determined that the items belonged to Samantha and her boyfriend Joseph Mccreery. Samantha and Joseph were issued misdemeanor citations for Marijuana paraphernalia. Linda was issued a misdemeanor citation for disorderly conduct in reference to pushing Samantha. All subjects were advised of their court dates, and the Marijuana paraphernalia was placed into property at the Greenville Police Department as evidence.
September 9, 2:34 am. Sgt. Monnin observed a Gray 2005 Chevy Tahoe being operated westbound on Martin Street. The vehicle later had its hazards on, and the male subject started to exit the vehicle. Monin pulled behind the vehicle to see if they needed any assistance. The subject approached me and advised his car was having transmission issues. After investigation, Monion found through LEADS/NCIC that the male subject was Joseph D. Cole, who was found to have an active felony child support warrant through Indiana, with no bond. The warrant was confirmed, and Joseph was placed under arrest.
September 9, 7:05 pm. P.O. Kreitzer was dispatched to Sater Street in reference to a wanted person complaint. The complainant advised that Michael Workman was at Sater Street and had an active warrant. Dispatch advised that Michael did have a warrant from Miami County for failure to register, with no bond. Michael was placed in handcuffs and taken to the Darke County Jail and released to jail staff.
September 10, 2:02 am. P.O. Alan Smith witnessed a vehicle driving eastbound on Martz St. in Greenville. The vehicle did not stop at the stop sign, then peeled out and went left of center. The defendant was arrested for OVI and transported to the Greenville PD before later being cited and released to a friend.
September 10, 2:31 pm. P.O. William Daugherty was dispatched to East Fifth St. in reference to a license plate being stolen from a vehicle. Gregory Fernatt advised while driving home from work, his girlfriend informed him that the license plate to his car was missing. Gregory does not recall the last time he noticed the license plate on his vehicle. The license plate bearing KAV6097 was entered into LEADS/NCIC as stolen. Gregory filled out a witness statement and victim’s rights forms.
September 10, 10:00 pm. P.O. Ben Conley observed a motorcycle bearing Ohio Registration lying near the creek approximately 100 feet off of the roadway. Conley checked the registration through LEADS/NCIC and learned it belonged to Trayvon Morton. Treyvon responded to the scene and stated the bike was stolen sometime on September 9, but he was trying to find the bike before reporting it to the police. Trevor did not want to fill out a written statement and stated he did not wish for any further investigation to be done. The bike was released to Treyvon.
September 10, 5:58 pm. P.O. William Daugherty was dispatched to the Greenville Police Department in reference to vandalism that occurred on September 9 at Treaty Way. Courtney Spencer stated that someone had slashed the back driver-side tire of her car. Courtney stated she believed it was her neighbors, they have had neighbor disputes, and she contacted the landlord for noise complaints. She believes the tire was slashed in retaliation. Daugherty made contact with neighbors Sydney Grote and Kayden Madden. Kayden stated he was at work on September 9 until 5:00 pm. A coworker confirmed he was there. Sydney stated she was home most of the day but did not damage Courtney’s vehicle. Sydney and Kayden advised they were unaware of any complaints from their neighbor and have not been contacted by the landlord. With no further evidence, this case can be closed.
September 11, 12:47 pm. P.O. Matthew Ganiron initiated a traffic stop for expired registration. When asked if there were any weapons in the vehicle, Jason Swisher and Amanda Kauffman stated there was an AR15 located in the bed of the truck. When searching the vehicle, a loaded AR15 magazine was located along with a small black bag containing a leafy green substance. Detective Wolfe placed the AR15 and the loaded magazine into property and had dispatch perform a computerized Criminal History on Jason that showed he had several felonies. Detective Wolfe placed Jason in handcuffs, and Jason was transported to Darke County Jail.
September 11, 5:54 pm. P.O. Ben Conley responded to Martin St. Marathon in reference to a drive-off. Employee Kassandra Nelson stated that a white male subject wearing tan khaki pants and a pink dress shirt drove off without paying for his gasoline. He was driving a blue Honda SUV bearing Ohio registration HES9657. The vehicle is registered to Kelly Lowe, who Lives in Sydney, OH. Sydney Police Department went to the listed address but was unable to make contact with anyone. This case will need further investigation.
September 11, 7:14 pm. P.O. Daugherty and P.O. J. E. Marion responded to Martin St. on a keep the peace with Adam Rihm. Rihm is in the process of selling his house and wants everyone to vacate the property. While there, Danielle Haberny was in the process of moving out. Dispatched advised she had a probation violation warrant from Darke County. She was arrested.
September 11, 8:20 pm. P.O. William Daugherty was dispatched to Greenville City Park in reference to a suspicious person. Daugherty located a male and female subject on a park bench. The female subject was identified as Kaylee Hines, who had a warrant for her arrest for failure to appear on an original charge of criminal trespass. Kaylee was placed in handcuffs and transported to Darke County Jail, where she was incarcerated with a bond of $275.
September 12, 12:32 pm. Sgt. Monnin observed a female subject walking in a parking lot on State Route 49 and knew her to be Shannon Vanhorn. Through LEADS?NCIC Monnin confirmed she had an active felony warrant through Montgomery County for an original charge and dangerous drugs with no bond. Shannon was arrested and transported to the Darke County Jail and released to staff.
September 12, 3:51 pm. P.O. Kreitzer was dispatched to Front St. in reference to an Agency Assist and prisoner transport. Upon arrival, Kreitzer made contact with Probation Officer Henning, advised that he had arrested Tray Guntle on a warrant, and advised to transport Tray to the Darke County Jail.
September 13, 12:29 pm. P.O. Trenton Spradley responded to Wayne Ave, in reference to a keep the peace request. Upon arrival, he made contact with Christian Franco and his girlfriend Tyler Plut. Franco requested officers to stand by while he attempted to speak to Sydnee Townsend in reference to a child custody issue. After checking with LEADS/NCIC, Spradley learned Franco had an active Darke County Sheriff’s Office warrant for failing to appear on a driving under suspension offense with a bond of $775 and that Plut had an active Mercer County Sheriff’s Office warrant for failing to appear on a traffic offense with a bond of $165. Both were arrested, Franco was transported to the Darke County Sheriff’s office, and Plut was transported to North Star and released to Mercer County Sheriff’s deputies.
September 13, 6:18 pm. P.O. Kreitzer was dispatched to Virginia Ave in reference to a dog at large. Upon arrival, Kreitzer made contact with Spencer Kouts, who stated his wife and children were with his loose dog at the Greenville K-8 school. Kouts Stated his dog was “dumb” and gets loose a lot and that he is the owner and caretaker of the dog. Kouts was issued a warning for animals at large on 10/19/2022. Kouts was issued a copy of his citation and advised of his court date.
September 15, 9:44 am. P.O. Matthew Ganiron was dispatched to West Lincoln Drive and North Broadway St. in reference to found property. Upon arrival, Ganiron spoke with complainant/witness David Fiely, who stated that as he was taking a walk, he noticed a green backpack and a brown purse neatly placed under a tree with nobody around it for about 20 minutes. Ganiron took possession of the property and began searching for any information to find the owner of the property. Attempts to make contact were unsuccessful, and the property was taken to the Police department and placed into property.