Greenville police blotter

Gaylen Blosser photo


May 8, 3:20 p.m.: Upon arrival, officers made contact with Bryan who was standing on the porch talking to Brenda Black, his wife. Bryan was then placed under arrest by officers. Bryan was searched incident to arrest and no contraband was found. Police then transported Bryan to the Darke County Jail where he was incarcerated on a Parole Hold. They checked the backseat of cruiser 1931 before and after transport and no contraband was found


May 4, 6:56 p.m.: Police responded to the 300 block of Washington Avenue reference a trash complaint. Upon arrival, police observed three to four black trash bags sitting in the back yard of the residence not in an approved container. Police also observed another trash bag sitting on the side of the house that was ripped, letting loose trash out into the yard. On the front porch were multiple empty beer bottles and more loose trash. Police were able to make contact with the property owner, Mark Goubeaux. Mark stated that he rents the property to Derrick Taylor. Mark was advised of the complaint. Officers made contact with Derrick over the phone and advised him he had five days to get the trash cleaned up. On May 11, police drove past, and observed that the trash has been removed. The Safety Service Director was notified. Nothing further.


May 11, 2:03 p.m.: Officers were dispatched to the 400 block of Markwith Avenue reference to a welfare check. Once entry was made into the home, a deceased subject was located. Darke County Coroner investigator Jay Pearson responded.


May 17, 2:11 a.m.: While on patrol, officers found the High School had been vandalized. Most of the trees on the High Schools property had been toilet papered. There were car tires and a tractor tire on Greenwave Way and in the parking lot of the High School. Down Greenwave Way were bleachers that had been pushed on the road that had been beside the tennis courts. The three gates into the High Schools parking lot had been chained off by new looking chains and padlocks. There was an SUV by the gate next to the track, a truck at the entrance of the GCTC building and four vehicles near the Hollyhill back gate. All vehicles did not have license plates but were unlocked with keys in them. There were hurdles set about the main parking lot, east side of the High School.  Officer Hall noticed a vehicle leave the area, which he followed to Euclid and identified the driver as Noah Mansfield. Noah was wearing a black shirt, gray shorts and sandals. Noah said he had not vandalized the High School but had just been out driving. Officer Hall advised multiple vehicles left the area when he first arrived. Superintendent Doug Fries arrived. He advised all the vehicles and tires probably belonged to the GCTC building. He said most of their cars do not run so they were probably pushed. The chains and padlocks on the gates were brought and use by the suspects. The hurdles placed in the parking lot had been in the track area. Pictures were taken of the area and attached to the case file. Police spoke to SRO S Conley about the incident and he will follow-up by looking at their cameras with staff to determine suspects.