GREENVILLE – Greenville Mayor Jeff Whitaker took time out of his busy schedule to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and give a quick update on the city following a recent Friday night home basketball game with West Carrollton.
“I want to wish everyone in Greenville a very Merry Christmas and a best New Year,” Whitaker said.

“We have a fantastic staff of department heads and are blessed with many great employees. They are all dedicated and will do anything it takes to get the work done in the City of Greenville.”
“The Police Department is gelling. Chief Benge, LT. Boyer and LT. Monin are all about reaching the community and reaching out to the kids. They had the Shop with a Cop last weekend, and 133 kids participated. They had the Christmas party at the Boys and Girls Club with about 90 kids in attendance. My point is this: they are reaching out to the youth in this community and setting the tone for respect for the law. They can reach the younger kids and set that tone to benefit the city.”
“Greenville is a great community, and the more we see of that, the fewer problems we have when the kids are involved in sports and all the other extracurricular activities in the school. This is only going to be good for the city.”
“We’ll start planting the trees in the park in the spring and paving and maintenance projects. We’re going to see what the new year brings.”
“Another project this year, we are going to start very soon with a new Veterans Banner program,” Whitaker said. “Eric Fee is going to head that up. Eric is working with Cindy Bruner at the Darke County Veterans Services. Eric is going to take it and run with it; we are very excited about that. That will be a great program for the City of Greenville and honor all our veterans. We’re a city that likes to honor our veterans, and the banners will do a good job of doing that.”
“Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all,” Mayor Whitaker concluded.