Fort Greenville Daughters of the American Revolution will be holding a rededication of the Gold Star Mothers monument located at the entrance of Greenville City Park. The rededication will be on Saturday, September 23, at 1 PM to commemorate Gold Star Mothers and Families Day (September 24).

In 1936, Congress declared the last Sunday in September as Gold Star Mother’s Day. President Obama amended the declaration to include families as well as mothers in 2011. The Gold Star’s significance is for remembrance, education, and patriotism. Still today, the mission is to support mothers and family members of fallen soldiers. By understanding and remembering the ultimate sacrifice is one of the best ways to support them and honor the soldiers.

That is what a local Gold Star chapter, Darke County Chapter of the Gold Star Mothers, did in 1957. Gertrude Hoblit, who, along with 15 other chapter members, was able to raise funds and dedicate the monument in Greenville City Park. Although the local Gold Star Mothers Chapter is no longer in existence, the monument has been cared for by three generations of the Hoblit family, along with assistance from the city of Greenville, throughout the 66 years. Kathy Hoblit Bowen, the third generation of the family and a Fort GreeneVille Daughters of the American Revolution member, saw the need for the restoration and update to include Gold Star families. Inspired by the Gold Star Family Memorial Monument in Wapakoneta, Ohio, Fort GreeneVille DAR with assistance from Ansonia American Legion Post 353, Darke County Honor Guard, city of Greenville, Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, and Lasting Legacy Memorials, all rose to the call of duty to assist in the restoration project.
The history of the past local Gold Star Chapter and monument can be viewed year-round at the Garst Museum in the military section. Currently, there is a display at the Greenville Public Library for the month of September.