GGSA signup days scheduled

Sign-Up Days at Stebbins Field, Saturday, March 11th and March 18th 12-Noon - 2:30 pm

Greenville Girls Softball Association (GGSA) sing-up days scheduled. (Chris Norris photo)

GREENVILLE – Spring time is almost here –and with that comes the annual Greenville Girls Softball Association Spring/Summer softball registration. The organization offers multiple options to sign-up to play, which can be found at including an easily accessible “online form” that can be filled out through any mobile device or computer.

Registration forms have been distributed through Greenville City Schools, private schools, pre-schools, and the YMCA of Darke County in Greenville.

Greenville Girls Softball Association (GGSA) sing-up days scheduled. (Chris Norris photo)

The next two Sign-Up Days are scheduled at Stebbins Field on Saturday, March 11th and on Saturday, March 18th. GGSA officers will be on-hand from 12-Noon until 2:30 p.m. on both Saturdays to answer any questions, help to complete sign-up forms and collect completed forms.

Forms must be completed and turned in by March 19th to guarantee placement on a team.

GGSA will hold it’s Opening Day, which is scheduled to officially kick off the recreation Spring/Summer season on Saturday, May 6, 2023.

Members and players, as well as the public, are invited to attend this fun filled day. The organization is entering into its 51st season !!

GGSA offers Slow Pitch and Fast Pitch softball to all girls ages 4-18 years of age. Slow pitch leagues offered include T-Ball (4-6 yrs), 8U Coach Pitch (7-8 yrs), Minor League (9-11 yrs), Junior League (12-14 yrs), Senior League (15-18 yrs). Fast pitch leagues include, 8U Fast Pitch, 10U Fast Pitch, 12U Fast Pitch, & 14U Fast Pitch.

8U Coach Pitch, 10U Fast Pitch, 12U Fast Pitch, and 14U Fast Pitch are members of the Western Ohio Youth Softball League which was formed in 2021 and includes organizations from Ansonia, Bradford (14U), Covington, Greenville, Miami East, National Trail (14U), Piqua, and West Milton.

GGSA is a 501(3 )(c) Non-Profit Organization founded in 1972 dedicated to providing recreational softball activities for over 500 girls each year in Greenville and the surrounding areas. Follow Greenville Girls Softball Association on Facebook for up-to-date information on current and future tournaments, leagues, and other events.