G.H.S. Vocal Music Department presents ‘Christmas Is …’


GREENVILLE – The Greenville High School Vocal Music Department is excited to present their production of “Christmas Is…” at St. Clair Memorial Hall in Greenville on Tuesday, December 17th, at 7:00 pm.

The show will open with “Christmas Is …”, featuring the Collage girls. Collage will also perform “Santa Baby”, “Santa Tell Me”, and “Christmas Tree Farm”. The Freshmen Choir will perform “Santa Claus is Comin to Town”, “Feliz Navidad”, “Let it Snow”, and “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch”. Concert Choir will perform “Jingle Jingle Jingle”, “Good King Kong”, and a medley of Christmas tunes from Pentatonix. The Wavaires will perform “Yuletide Rhythm”, “Underneath the Tree”, “North Pole Rock”, “Falala”, “You Make It Feel Like Christmas”, “Up on the Housetop”, and “Carol of the Bells”. The show will conclude with the combined choirs singing “Silent Night” in German and English, along with American Sign Language. A variety of your favorite holiday solos and duets will also take place that evening between the large group numbers.

Tickets for the performance on December 17th are available online now by visiting bit.ly/ghsvocal. Adult tickets are $5.00 in advance, and student and faculty tickets are $3.00 in advance. Any remaining tickets will be available at the door for purchase (cash or check only), at the cost of $8.00. No discounts are offered at the door. Please purchase tickets online prior to the event to guarantee a better seat selection, lower admission cost, and a shorter box office line the night of the show.

The Wavaires are directed by Mrs. Chelsea Whirledge, accompanied/assisted by Mr. Christopher Andres, and choreographed by Mrs. Brooke Williams. Please “like” us on Facebook at Greenville High School Vocal Music Boosters for all the latest news and updates on the vocal music department.