Fort Recovery High School Homecoming Court

Senior Homecoming Court - First Row (L-R): Emma Will, Kayla Heitkamp, Anna Roessner and Bailie Muhlenkamp Second Row (L-R): Gavin Evers, Mason Diller, Caden Grisez and Gabe Knapke - Not pictured are Freshman Attendants: Jazmyne Welling & Braylon Dilworth, Sophomore Attendants: Kiera Stump & Brody Barga, Junior Attendants: Yaneth Esparza & Ray Grube (Submitted photo)

FORT RECOVERY – Fort Recovery’s Homecoming Ceremony will take place at the football game on Friday, October 11th at 6:30 p.m. The Indians are playing the Parkway Panthers, and kickoff will be at 7:00 p.m. The Homecoming dance is hosted by the Sophomore class and will be held on October 12th, from 8-11 p.m. This year’s theme is Disco.