Fort GreeneVille DAR donates to GHS Environmental and Science Club

Regent Penny Weaver and GHS club member Rachael Wright

GREENVILLE—Fort GreeneVille Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution had the honor of making a donation to the Greenville High School Environmental and Science Club.

The School will be holding an “Earth Day 5K” at the Shawnee Prairie Reserve St Rt# 502, Greenville. The “5K” will take place on April 22, 2023.

High School freshman Rachael Wright accepted a $100 Platinum Sponsor from the Fort Greenville DAR. Money raised from this event will go towards an outdoor learning lab at the high school, the Darke County Parks Holzapfel Preserve, field trips to science museums, and to community awareness of the reducing, reusing, and recycling of everyday materials. Pictured: Regent Penny Weaver and GHS club member Rachael Wright