FM FFA poinsettias now for sale, open to the public


PITSBURG—It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in the greenhouse at Franklin Monroe High School! The students enrolled in the Franklin Monroe-MVCTC agriculture program have been busy caring for an excellent crop of poinsettias over the last 3 months. They are now available for the public to purchase.

Karson Wright, a member of the Franklin Monroe-MVCTC FFA chapter is shown with some of the poinsettias that are available for purchase at Franklin Monroe High School.

The plants arrived in early October and the students have been handling them with care. Before the plants arrived, the students set up a water irrigation system to ensure that all of the plants received the correct amount of water. They also worked to make sure the environment was conducive for growth by manipulating the temperature, as well as the amount of light the plants received. All of this research and work has paid off because there is a wonderful crop that is available for purchase.

The poinsettias are available in three colors – red, white, and pink.

If you are interested in purchasing poinsettias, please contact a FM FFA member or Franklin Monroe High School and ask to speak to Mr. Bergman. Please act quickly because supplies are limited!