Paid for by Aaron Flatter

Greenville, Ohio—Aaron Flatter, a native of Darke County and young community leader, officially announced plans to run for the Darke County Board of Commissioners in the March Republican Primary. This seat, currently held by Commissioner Larry Holmes, will be an open seat commencing in 2025 upon Holmes’ recent decision not to run for re-election. 

Aaron is a 2000 Tri-Village High School graduate with deep roots in the New Madison community. Upon graduating, Aaron lived locally and worked as an electrical contractor for Garber Electric, where he later earned his journeyman’s license in 2004. His dedication and professionalism allowed him to climb the ranks, as he still works for Garber today as a regional sales manager. Aaron served on the Northmont Chamber of Commerce, gaining unique insight into how Darke County fits into the larger regional economy. As a young professional who resides with his wife, Pamela, and two-year-old son, Aaron is committed to giving back to the community he has called home for over forty years.

“Growing up, I understood from a very early age the value of strong public service. My grandfather, Bill Riegle, had a career working for Darke County, and he instilled in all of us a vested interest in giving back. My own father and late mother, Tom and Connie Flatter carried on this philosophy as teachers and coach. In these roles, the mentors in my life illustrated first-hand that change can truly start with you. I am excited at the opportunity to follow in their footsteps and lead Darke County with a vision for the future and a plan for critical growth,” said Flatter.

One of the biggest focuses for Flatter is to build a strong workforce. He reiterated that people are our biggest investment, so investing in areas to attract more young professionals, families, and businesses are an absolute priority. 

“I like the direction that our county is headed—recent investments in our airport, community-wide broadband, and partnerships with area universities to best use our land resources are smart steps to ensure that we have the infrastructure in place for future economic development opportunities. I want to help create a Darke County that my son will want to remain in and raise his own family one day.

“As my campaign rolls out, I look forward to meeting many more Darke Countians and visiting all the unique communities to learn more about specific needs or concerns. If there is one common thread that ties us all together here in Darke County, it’s hard work. I am committed to working hard every day for each of you to listen and learn and ensure the right solutions are implemented.”  

Aaron invites the public to reach out to him at voteflatter@gmail.com and hearing more about your ideas and thoughts.

The views expressed in this article belong to Aaron Flatter and not necessarily My County Link, its affiliates, or its employees.