Family Runs out in Storm to Pick Up Flags

Left to Right : Amy Fourman, Kinzie Fourman, and Keirstan Fourman.

While this past Fourth of July brought lots of fun and patriotism, it also brought storms and a lot of rain.

While celebrating the holiday and driving home in the rain, the Fourman family saw that American flags had fallen and couldn’t leave them behind.

“We were doing the whole food truck thing at the fairgrounds, and the storms were rolling in. We ran back to the car in the pouring rain, so we were drenched,” Amy said. “Driving down Broadway, we got down to the circle, and one of the flags was lying in the road.”

Picture taken right before the storms started.

Kenzie Fourman saw the flag on the road and decided they couldn’t just leave it there.

As Kenzie and older sister Keirstan got out of the car to pick up the flag, they noticed many other flags had fallen down Broadway.

“They all jumped out of the van and started running down Broadway in the pouring rain,” Amy said. “Just picking up flags.”

“We still had our tutus and face stickers on,” Kenzie shared. “We were drenched.”

“You guys looked like a bunch of little superheroes running down Broadway carrying all these flags,” Amy added.

Amy works and had a key to Park National Banks and brought the flags there to keep them safe until they could call someone after the holiday to get them.

The Fourth of July and the flag mean a lot to the Fourman family.

“We come from a Military family,” Amy said. “I have a cousin deployed right now; my sister and her husband were military. There is a lot of military family.”

“We have a cousin that’s actually in the airforce academy right now for the military; she’s still in BootCamp right now,” Keirstan said. “So, while I was picking up the flags, I was thinking of her.”

Kenzie and Amy received a certificate from the Ansonia American Legion

After the holiday, Amy got a hold of Ansonia American Legion Post 353 Commander Jennifer Anthony to pick the flags up.

Excited by their actions, Jennifer Anthony arranged for the Ansonia American Legion to give them a certificate for their patriotism.

Both Kenzie and Keirstan play an active role in helping their community. They have both been in We Are the Majority for a few years. Kenzie is still in High School and does cheer, and Keirstan just graduated from the police academy and is in the hiring process with the Piqua Police Department.

While the family got drenched, the Fourmans’ were more than happy to go out and pick up the flags and ensure they stayed safe.