GREENVILLE—The Darke County Agricultural Society Board of Directors met Wednesday evening to discuss the Potential Alcohol Sales, a Water Project, and more.
During public comment, the subject of selling alcohol in the grandstand at events during the fair was brought up. It was said that this could be used to bring in more money to help fix up the grandstand.
“It’s in our constitution that we can’t have it,” Vice President James Zumbrink said. “To change it, the way I’ve read it over the years, two-thirds of the voting tickets sold have to vote to approve it.”
The board agreed to look into it and possibly put it on a ballot for a vote.
Also brought up during public comment was the Junior Fair Buyer Appreciation Breakfast. This is a complimentary breakfast for livestock buyers sponsored by the Darke County Sale Committee and the Jr. Fair Board on September 9 from 8 am to 10 am in the Youth Building.
Discussed during the new business was the Water Project, led by caretaker Rex Weyrick.
“Our suggestion is to put in eight taps, all for the main, two-inch lines; each line will operate roughly 50 spots,” Rex said. “Put a basically two-foot tile with a shut-off and a drain all in each tap. We will have eight taps; that’s all we need to shut off all the water and drain it through the camping areas.”
The hope is that this project fixes water pressure issues at different parts of the fairgrounds.
During Director Reports, Craig Bowman brought up the dog tent and shows and how they need to start thinking about it sooner rather than later.
“We need to start thinking about what we are going to do with the dogs and how we are going to handle it,” Bowman said. “It’s going to be a long process figuring out what we are going to do about dog shows.”
Later speaking in Director Reports was Brian Rismiller. He discussed FFA kids putting their livestock through the auction.
“One of the complaints that I heard this year was kids not going through the sale,” Rismiller said. “I’m going to make a motion that we put it in our green sections that all kids have to take their livestock through the auction.”
This was the first year that opting out of the livestock sale was an option. After discussion with the Sr Fairboard and a few Jr Fairboard members present, the motion was made by Rismiller that All Junior Fair Marketable Livestock and their exhibitors must go through the sale to get their premiums.
The motion passed unanimously.
The Darke County Fair Board meets the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30 pm at 800 Sweitzer St., Greenville, Ohio, 45331, in the meeting room across from the fair office. For more information, contact the Fair office at 937-548-5044.