Entrepreneurship class provides students real world experience

Gaylen Blosser photo.

ARCANUM—There’s nothing more valuable when learning than real-word experience.

The students in at Arcanum High School’s entrepreneurship class are learning just that. The class, taught by Roger McEldowney, not only teaches students the basics on running their own business, but gives them a chance to run a business of their own.

The class is split up into two parts. In its first part, students learn the ins and outs of business and entrepreneurship, then in its second half, students put their knowledge to the test with a business of their own.

This year’s class is selling Arcanum Trojan buckets and koozies. Gaylen Blosser photo.

This year’s class is selling Arcanum Trojan buckets and koozies.

“They run it,” McEldowney said. “They make their own decisions. They had to come up with how much to charge for the items based off of how much profit margin, or what they thought the break even point would be. You can talk about those things, but they actually get to experience and learn.”

The buckets were a donation from Miami Valley Plastics. Students created the decals for the merchandise using a Cricut machine that last year’s class purchased and used.

The class sells the merchandise online, as well as, sets up a table at Arcanum basketball games.

This year’s class is selling Arcanum Trojan buckets and koozies. Gaylen Blosser photo.

“[The class] has helped me work better with others,” Brooklyn Venrick, senior and CEO of the classroom company said. “And really create something that I didn’t think we could do.”

While they aren’t sure what they’ll do with the earnings, McEldowney said that they’ve discussed the possibility of donating to charity.

To order Arcanum Spirit Merch, click here.