Dysert named Nov 2022 Aktion Club Member of the Month

The Aktion Club Member of the Month for November 2022, is Sheryl Dysert.

GREENVILLE—The Kiwanis Aktion Club Member of the Month for November 2022, is Sheryl Dysert.

Dysert is a long time member, and has been a member of the club since it started about six years ago. She was nominated by her peers, and chosen for her willingness to participate in club activities.

Dysert likes in-house volunteering best, like sorting bottle caps at Darke County Solid Waste District.

When she’s not with the club, she loves to visit home and see family, talking to her mother on her iPad and loves to write anything and everything down!

Dysert lives at Union City Christel Manor (UCM), and attends Art Sense for dayhab.

In addition to volunteering, Dysert does paid work at Christel Manor. She’s paid minimum wage to run errands at the manor.

“She likes to work, volunteer and just stay busy,” Michelle Trausch, Direct Support Professional (DSP) at UCM, said. “To help where she can.”

Trausch added that the manor is currently hiring DSPs to support individuals living at UCM. For more information on the job opening and applications click here.

In the month of November, the 33 Aktion Club members volunteered 158 hours of their time.

The club adopted nine kids from four families, and is working with the St Paul Lutheran Church, of North Star, to provide the families Christmas presents.

Sue Huston, Darke DD Community Connections Coordinator, added that once all of the presents are ready, the Aktion Club members will deliver them to the families.

For any questions on The Kiwanis Aktion Club, follow the Darke County DD Facebook page at www.facebook.com/DarkeDD. For any questions or ideas regarding clean up spots, contact Huston at [email protected].