Dick Brown home and GHS Wavaires a Christmas tradition

Wavaires | Dick Brown Christmas. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

GREENVILLE – Greenville Senior High School Wavaires continued their Christmas tradition of singing before a packed house recently at Dick Brown’s home, a Darke County Christmas landmark most likely seen from outer space.

Dick Brown Home, Greenville, OH. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

As folks drive up to the Brown house on Requarth Road just outside Greenville city limits, they are greeted by student volunteers passing out large Christmas candy canes.

Students passing out Christmas canes. (Gaylen Blosser photo)
Dick Brown Christmas. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

“It all kind of started back around 2014,” said GHS Vocal Music Director Chelsea Whirledge. “It was sort of a spur-of-the-moment thing one year that we said, ‘oh let’s all go out to Dick’s to drive through the light display’, after our Christmas party and then the kids ended up coming in and singing.”

“We were like, ‘hey that was really fun’ so we’ve done it every year since,” Whirledge added. “They make up Christmas cards … we’ve done it since 2016.”

“The problem is parking,” Dick noted. “There are many people who I know would have come if they hadn’t had to fight with that or walk in the dark.”

Dick Brown, a man of many talents. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

“It’s packed,” said Whirledge, “and it’s fun.”

The house was filled with town folks, along with Dick’s granddaughters, to enjoy the evening of Wavaire Christmas music.

Wavaires Christmas, Dick Brown home. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

“Once the kids start singing, the little kids here start dancing around,” Whirledge stated. “It’s a fun family holiday event.”