Decolores Montessori 4th-6th graders attend overnight field trip


GREENVILLE—The Decolores’ third floor students (fourth to sixth grade) experienced their annual overnight field trip as a capstone to their science education for the school year. This year the trip was to Cincinnati, Ohio on March 30-31.

The first stop was a Historic Cincinnati Riverboat Cruise with BB Riverboats to learn about the development of the city along the Ohio River. The students learned how one out of every four steamboats were built in the U.S. in Cincinnati.

After the riverboat cruise, they traveled to the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens for an overnight adventure called “Sleep with the Manatees”. During the zoo visit, the students explored the Zoo and learned about wildlife management programs as well as the Florida Everglades and why they are so important. They also discovered the Florida manatee and why it is endangered and how individuals can help. The students were able to go behind the scenes and learn how the manatees and other nocturnal animals are cared for and were able to doze off while the manatees floated by.

The annual overnight field trip for the 4th-6th grade students at Montessori is a highlight for both students and teachers. It’s an amazing opportunity to connect one-on-one outside of school, while fostering independence and learning.

For more information on Decolores Montessori, please visit their website at or call (937) 547-1334.