Paid for by the Committee to Elect Bennett 2024
Dear Citizens of Darke County,
As your Darke County Sheriff and community Police Chiefs, we strongly encourage you to join us in supporting and voting for James Bennett for Darke County Prosecutor.
In our line of duty, we have all personally worked with Jim on past cases and know him to be an exceptional legal professional in the courtroom. He has brought decades of experience to Darke County and has a track record of successful prosecution in cases ranging in all types of case law. Jim has also served regularly as our legal advisor and instructor to our officers and deputies. Most importantly, Jim has worked right alongside us to ensure that Darke County is a home where you can feel safe and that criminals know they will be held accountable for their actions. This commitment to justice is critical to the continued safety of our communities and protection of victim rights.
Jim has earned our respect and trust through his experience, dedicated interaction, and strong work ethic. We need a tough-on-crime prosecutor with career experience as opposed to a defense attorney who brings none. This important role for our county is not one for on-the-ground training but is instead a position that requires a steady and knowing hand. It is for these reasons that the law enforcement leaders of Darke County support and ask you to vote for James Bennett for Darke County Prosecutor on March 19th.
The views expressed in this article belong to the Committee to Elect Bennett 2024 and not necessarily My County Link, its affiliates, or its employees.