Darke County Senior Outreach holds Town Hall meeting


GREENVILLE – Darke County Senior Outreach held a Senior Town Hall meeting on Thursday afternoon at the Birchwood Training and Senior Center.

There were 26 total seniors in attendance from throughout the community. Others in attendance were community members throughout the city and county who provide services for seniors through housing, transportation, ect.

A weekly senior activity calendar was dispersed among those in attendance.

Every Monday and Tuesday, Line Dancing will be held in the Aspen Room at the center beginning at 1:00 pm. Tuesdays will be Game Day also held in the Aspen Room beginning at 1:00 pm. On the first Thursday of each month, there will be a Matinee Movie beginning at 1:00 p.m. held in the Birchwood Train room.

Upcoming dates were also shared during the meeting. October 26, 2024 at 2 p.m. there will be a Halloween Dance for seniors in the community in the Birchwood Training room. Costumes are welcomed and encouraged.

Those in attendance began brainstorming some new suggestions for future activities and programs. Some suggestions included education, game day, and cooking. Also discussed were Lunch and Learns, Bus Tours, and a potential TV for use to watch sports and game shows.

Senior Outreach leadership along with some involved seniors plan on meeting with Darke County Commissioners. They plan to discuss the importance of having a fully functioning senior center in Darke County available to the community. They will also be presenting ideas that would make a senior center successful in Darke County.

Seniors brought up their top three ideas that they would like to see placed in a senior center. Some of those ideas included funding, space, location, and marketing. The DCSO group will also take these ideas to the Darke County Commissioners.

A senior Directors Team was also established and they will be a core team of seniors to help plan and coordinate activities, with oversight and assistance when needed from the Darke County Senior Outreach.

Those interested discussed that officers may help and plan to meet to get the group organized and discuss the needs that need to be met. It was also discussed that having an officer team to help lead may also benefit the group. Members will meet in the future to begin brainstorming their ideas.