DARKE COUNTY – On May 20th Darke County Holstein 4-H club held their May 4-H meeting at Kellers Feed Mill at 8 pm. The meeting was called to order and we were reminded to wear sunscreen in the summer sun.
4-H Camp is June 9-13th at Indian Hill 4-H Camp if you are interested in applying for a campership contact Merecedes at the 4-H office, you still have a little time to sign up. Dairy Skillaton is on June 18, 5:30-7:30 at Keller’s and June 24, 7-9 at Keller’s.
On Friday, June 7th at 6:30 pm there will be a Public Speaking and Demonstration contest. This is for 4-H members, cloverbuds, parents, and advisors. The deadline to sign up is May 31st at 4:30 pm.
Our club voted and decided to sponsor the Reserve Grand Champion Holstein and Grand Champion Dairy Feeder trophies. We also voted if we wanted to have a booth at the fair and came up with a committee to help design and build the booth. We also voted on allowing the club to buy halters for 1st-year members.
We need people to run for the Jr. Fair King and Queen Contest and also people to run for the Jr. Fairboard in the Dairy dept.
Then we had demonstrations. We learned how to tag a calf, strap a baby in a car seat, make French Toast, make a paper fortune teller, and braid hair.
Then as the final demonstration, many members made “pies” for our seniors Braeden Bohman, Trevor Muhlenkamp, and Jayden Hicks. However, only Jayden was the only senior so he had to take all of the pies to the face.
Congratulations to our 2024 graduates!