Darke County Foundation scholarships for high school seniors


DARKE COUNTY—Seniors in the class of 2023 who attend a Darke County high school or are home-schooled in Darke County may apply for scholarships from the Darke County Foundation. Deadline is March 31, 2023. Over $150,000 will be awarded to students attending 4-year colleges, 2-year colleges, and shorter vocational programs. Approximately 60% of applicants usually receive an award.

Apply online at https://www.darkecountyfoundation.org/scholarshipinformation. The following criteria is considered, not necessarily in this order: activities, essay, grades, ACT score, and financial need.

The Darke County Foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of local residents by receiving, managing and distributing charitable gifts. For more information, call (937) 548-4673 or e-mail [email protected].