Continuing Education for Health and Human Services


Social Security for Aging Industry Professionals: What You Need to Know

The Area Agency on Aging presents this 3.0 credit hour continuing education workshop from 9:00 am-12:15 pm on Tuesday, August 29, online via Zoom. The cost is $40 to earn CEUs or $20 to attend without CEUs. Advance registration is requested by August 25. More information and the registration form are available on our website,, or by emailing [email protected].

America’s largest domestic program is the financial foundation for our older adult community. Both personally and professionally, you cannot afford to not understand the benefits and options available for you, your consumers, and your family.

Participants will learn the options for retirement benefits, gain an awareness of online benefit planning resources, learn about family Social Security benefits, and learn about Medicare A/B.

Presenters, Theresa Busher and Kelly Draggoo are Social Security Public Affairs Specialists who act as Social Security spokesmen, media liaisons, and public educators. Theresa Busher has worked for SSA since 1993 and has experience with all Social Security benefit programs, including retirement, disability, and SSI. Kelly Draggoo joined SSA in 2009 and transitioned to the Public Affairs team in 2018.

The Ohio Board of Nursing accepts events approved for counselors and social workers for continuing nursing education.


The Area Agency on Aging, PSA 2, helps older adults of west central Ohio remain in their homes with independence and dignity.  We are an independent, private, nonprofit corporation that plans and funds services for older persons in Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, and Shelby counties.