Commissioners approved a letter of support for the Darke County Parks


The Darke County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday afternoon to discuss a letter of support for the Darke County Parks, an agreement with the Ohio Department of Health, and more. 

Commissioners Matt Aultman, Marshall Combs, and Larry Holmes were present.

The board also approved Resolution (R-375-2023). This resolution is various transfers of appropriations. One is $1,000 for the Darke County Prosecuting Attorney to cover the 2023 Winter Conference. Another is $1,330 for the Commissioners to cover WAGC water and sewer bills and the 2023 Winter Conference. There is also $360 for the Darke County Airport to cover Fire Alarm Fees and $800 for the Darke County Sheriff to cover subscription. 

The board approved Resolution (R-377-2023). This is a fund advance of $268,977.90 to cover Willo product invoices for October 2023. The revenue will be funded back to the general fund once the revenue is received from the Local Jail Capital Project Grant. 

The board also approved a letter of support for the Darke County Parks. This shows the board fully supports the Darke County Park District, applying for capital funds to repair and restore the Historic Bear’s Mill. The repairs to the Mill’s foundation are estimated to cost $195,000, and repairs to the turbine pump are $134,000 for a total project cost of $420,000. They have $70,000 donated from the Friends of Bear’s Mill and $75,000 from Darke County Park Funds for this project. They are asking for the remaining $275,000 in capital funds. 

“This probably not more than a six-week to two-month project,” Mike Henderson said. “Hopefully, by late summer or early fall, we could have it done. As long as the funding comes through.” 

The board approved Resolution (R-379-2023). This is a fund transfer for the Darke County Engineer with the TWP OPWC Transportation Grant. This transfers $740,596.47 for the County Engineers Share of the Grant. 

The board then approved Resolution (R-380-2023). This is a revenue and appropriation increase and decrease. The Board of Elections received an increase of $10,000 in revenue and appropriations through the 2023 HAVA Elections Security Grant. The Darke County Engineer received a decrease of $60,841.03 in revenue and appropriations as the 2023 project came in less than estimated at the beginning of the year. 

The board also approved an agreement with the Ohio Department of Health. This is a Tuberculosis Funding agreement that has a not to exceed amount of $9,874.14. 

“We had a couple of cases last year of TB, and we have been monitoring it,” Commissioner Matt Aultman said. “It’s part of the Grant with the state operations with the Department of Health. They pay for the associated costs. This agreement is to cover those costs.” 

The Darke County Board of Commissioners holds a regular session every Tuesday and Thursday at 1:30 pm at 520 South Broadway, Greenville, Ohio 45331. For more information, contact the commissioners’ office at 937-547-7370