GREENVILLE – The Darke County Board of Commissioners met Thursday afternoon.
Commissioners Marshall Combs and Larry Holmes were both present. Commissioner Matthew Aultman was absent due to engagements in Columbus.
Under Resolution (R-444-2024), the Examination and Allowance of Bills dated December 12, 2024, were read and approved. The General Fund was $112,269.09; outside general funds were $852,443.50, for a Grand Total of $964,712.59.
Caden Buschur provided the OSU Extension Update to Commissioners. He shared that all extension educators just completed an extension conference in Columbus.
4-H Youth Development Educator, Mercedes McFarland recently returned from National 4-H Youth Development Conference in Bosie, Idaho. She is also in her Master’s Program in ACEL, Agriculture, Communication, Education, and Leadership. She is also continuing to work with the Junior Leaders Program, which is for ages 13 and up and those who may be interested in community service and leadership throughout the community.
Family and Consumer Science Educator, Tina McGillvary is currently doing two classes every Thursday for ACES on financial literacy. She is also running a successful co-parenting class in Darke and Preble County. She has been working on several workshops in the community.
Agriculture and Natural Resources, Caden Buschur shared and provided updates on his current programming. He has been working on school and library programs including Ag Crop Price Updates. He participated in some research projects recently including fungicide and insecticide on soybeans, fungicide on corn, and a soil health study.
Under Resolution (R-449-2024), Commissioners approved the Darke County Job and Family Services – Foster Care Per Diem Rate Increase. Effective January 1, 2025, the increase will be $6.00 for children aged 0-21. Additionally, categories are as follows, Special Needs will have a $7.00 increase, Exceptional Needs will have a $9.00 increase, and Intensive Needs will have a $10.00 increase.
“With the cost of inflation and costs between food, toiletries, clothing, and fuel, we thought it was necessary to increase the rate,” said Commissioner Combs.
“It’s been five years since we’ve modified it. We certainly appreciate what those folks are doing for those children,” said Commissioner Holmes.
Commissioners also approved the Darke County Job and Family Services Non-Bargaining Unit Salary Schedule effective January 1, 2025.
Commissioner Combs shared the importance of remembering to shop local and supporting small businesses this holiday season while people are getting their last-minute Christmas shopping done.
The Darke County Board of Commissioners meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 1:30 pm.