GREENVILLE – The Darke County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday afternoon.
Commissioners Matthew Aultman, Marshall Combs, and Larry Holmes were all present.
Under Resolution (R-437-2024), the Examination and Allowance of Bills dated December 5, 2024, and December 10, 2024 were read and approved. The General Fund was $313,252.48; outside general funds were $264,940.75, for a Grand Total of $578,193.23.
Carla Allen, Job & Family Services was in attendance regarding the approval of the annual IV-D Service Contract expenditures to the Darke County Common Pleas Court for Magistrate services for the period of October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025, and certifies that funds are available within the Child Support Enforcement funding to cover the cost of this contract.
“This agreement allows us to receive federal reimbursement to offset the cost of the IV-D contract,” said Allen. “They will receive reimbursements for the cases that they work on.”
The total for the IV-D Contract Cost is $159,120.89. The federal reimbursement is $105,019.79.
Under Resolution (R-442-2024), Commissioners approved authorizing the application for the Ohio Airport Improvement Matching Grant from ODOT, Office of Aviation, for SFY2025.
“This is for the parking lot, the county paid this money out. This is trying to get it back through the AIP Program. This is authorizing us to supply that grant and get that reimbursement of the money we already expended,” said Commissioner Aultman.
Commissioner Aultman also made it known that Chief Bair, Darke County Dog Warden received the 2024 Ohio County Dog Wardens Association President’s Award.
The Darke County Board of Commissioners meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 1:30 pm.