Commissioners accept $1.75 Million Arcanum Critical Infrastructure bids

Darke County Commissioners

GREENVILLE – Darke County Commissioners Marshall Combs and Larry Holmes accepted five sealed bids for the Arcanum $1,750,000 Critical Infrastructure project. Commissioner Matt Aultman was attending a Farm Bureau meeting and was unavailable for the Tuesday meeting.

Bradford’s M&T Excavation, LLC presented the lowest bid with an engineer’s estimate of $1,472,158.

Darke County Commissioners approved:

Darke County Brownfield & Remediation Program-Gettysburg School-Roof Reconstruction awarded to Denlinger Enterprises, Inc. with Contract Price awarded $74,900.

Approve $28,946 Fund Advance to cover Lamps construction invoice for Chadwick home repair. The funds will advance back one revenue is received.

Approved DC Grants Fund Advance advancing revenue for Economic Development of VSL Lings Project to cover Shinn Bros Contract. The $218,411 will advance back once revenue is received.

It was noted the Commissioners presented a Vietnam Wave Veterans Day Proclamation on Friday, March 29, 2024 at Greenville’s Veterans Memorial Park located between American Legion Post 140 and VFF Post 7262. Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR, a United States of America Vietnam War Commemorative Partner honored Vietnam Veterans and their families in Darke County.