Commissioner approve Certificate of Appointment

Darke County Commissioners

GREENVILLE – The Darke County Board of Commissioners met Thursday afternoon. Commissioners Matt Aultman, Marshall Combs, and Larry Holmes were all in attendance. 

Tonya Clark, Superintendent of Darke County Board of Developmental Disabilities was in attendance to help discuss bids for the Portico project at the Birchwood Training Facility. The engineer’s estimate was a total of $270,000.00. One bid was received and accepted for review from Brumbaugh Construction at a base total of $323,800.00, and the deduction was minus $2,300.

“The Portico project is to extend a car drop off out in front of the Birchwood training center to help people with disabilities or senior citizens who are entering and exiting vehicles and get out of the weather,” said Clark.

Commissioners approved a Certificate of Appointment from Darke County Job & Family Services. Mackenzie Hamilton will be appointed to the position of Social Services Worker 2, effective June 17, 2024.

Tina McGillvary, OSU Extension, Darke County Family and Consumer Sciences Educator gave the monthly OSU Extension update. 

She shared that there were around 910 youth enrolled in the 2024 Darke County 4-H Program. She also gave insight on the upcoming ‘Camp Outback’ 4-H Camp happening for Darke County Youth June 9th-13th. 

Commissioner Holmes shared that June 8th, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. is Shred Day at the Fairgrounds. 

Tonya Clark shared some upcoming events with Darke DD. Make Music Day is partnered with Darke County Center for the Arts at YOLO Park. In July, an event will also be held at the South Park Splash Pad.