City launches Veteran Banner Program on Ash Street light poles


PIQUA – The City of Piqua is again offering its Veteran Banner program to recognize men and women who are residents of Piqua who are currently serving or hold veteran status from a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Banners will be displayed on light poles along East Ash Street from Memorial Day through Veterans Day, from Spring Street to the CSX railroad overpass bridge. Following Veterans Day, the banners will be removed and made available for pick up by the applicant. Applicants will be notified when banners are available for pickup.

Eligible applicants are service members who are active duty or a veteran with verification of military status (e.g. DD Form 214) and are current or former residents within the City of Piqua with proof of residency (e.g. copy of a utility bill or a driver’s license).

The program will feature the individual’s military photo, along with their name and years of service, on a 48”x18” banner. Banners are $100.00 each, which includes two-sided design, printing, installation, and removal. Space is limited and will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis to 75 applicants. The deadline to apply is April 15, 2024.

For additional information, visit or contact Public Information Officer Michelle Perry at 937.778.2038 or [email protected].