Celina Woman Dies In Local Crash


On September 3, 2023 at approximately 7:23 a.m. Darke County Deputies along with Gettysburg Fire and Rescue responded to a one vehicle crash with unknown injuries in the 7400 block of US 36. Upon arrival of the first Deputy, it was determined this was a fatal crash.

Preliminary investigation revealed a silver 2016 Jeep Patriot driven by Mercedes Ballard 31, of Celina was traveling eastbound on US 36 when her vehicle traveled off the left side of the roadway driving up an embankment and colliding with trees, causing the vehicle to spin and roll over onto the passenger side. The driver was mechanically extricated from the vehicle. Further investigation revealed this crash had occurred sometime after midnight and not discovered until daylight. Speed and alcohol are suspected in this crash.

This crash remains under investigation by the Darke County Sheriff’s Office and Coroner’s Office.