Brown named 2023 Elks Distinguished Citizen

Brown. Gaylen Blosser photo

GREENVILLE—There are special people in small communities that everyone just knows for giving back.

Dick Brown is without a doubt one of those people for Darke County and Greenville.

Brown is both a Christmas light, and City of Greenville aficionado.

For almost 31 years, Brown has displayed Christmas lights of all kinds in his front yard for citizens to drive through and see.

He even hands out free candy canes to locals as they enjoy the display.

Another way he’s given back for about 20 years is by photographing Greenville High School students at special events and ceremonies.

Due the decades of service he’s participated in the community the Greenville Elks Lodge #1139 recently presented him with the Elks Distinguished Citizen Award.

Brown said he was honored, and surprised by the award.

What motivates him to be an avid supporter of Greenville?

“I’ve always loved to give back to the community,” Brown said. “I think both of those things are great ways to give back. I never know how far the pictures go, but I like to try to make sure everyone has a copy.”

Brown is a 1964 Greenville graduate, and started taking pictures at local events while his daughters were students themselves at Greenville High School.

Since then he has become one of the town and school’s biggest supporters. Brown even runs the Greenville High School Alumni Association.

For more information on the Greenville Elks Lodge #1139, go to their site. Check out the GHS Alumni Site here.