Beef Quality Assurance Session Adult and Youth
January 13, 2024, from 9 am to 1 pm at Mississinawa Valley School Cafeteria 10480 Staudt Rd, Union City.
Join Caden Buschur, ANR Educator and OSUE Extension for Darke County, for the opportunity to earn your Beef Quality Assurance Certification.
There is no cost for youth or Darke County Cattlemen members. There is a fee of $10 for non-members.
The Darke County Cattleman’s Association will provide lunch.
Please make sure to contact the OSU Ohio State – Darke County Extension Office to register prior to January 5. We need to have the headcount for lunch turned in to the caterer that day.
For more information or to register, contact Caden Buschur at 937-548-5215 or [email protected]