Batten, Gehret represent Versailles in State  FFA Job Interview Contest


VERSAILLES – On Saturday, November 23rd, Piage Gehret and Colin Batten represented Versailles FFA members and District 5 FFA and competed in the State FFA Job Interview Contest over Zoom.

The contest is designed to assist FFA members in the development of oral skills with the job application and interview process. Students had to create a resume and cover letter, fill out a job application pertaining to a specific agricultural job, complete an interview and write a follow-up thank you letter and address an envelope in a timed session.

Paige Gehret and Colin Batten both advanced to the state level after placing 1st in District 5 FFA.

Paige Gehret placed 4th overall in the state in the junior division and Colin Batten placed 8th overall in the senior division in the state.

A special thank you to  Olivia Schmitmeyer, Josie Jennings, Sam Custer, Lucy Bambaurer, Bethany Menke, Elizabeth Coons, Amy Hoying, Laura Wuebker, David Harmon, Beth Simons and Jacki Stonebraker for helping work with Paige and Colin in preparation for the State FFA Job Interview Contest.