Aultman testifies at Joint Committee on Property Tax Review and Reform meeting

(Courtesy photo)

Matt Aultman, Darke County Commissioner, local farmer and Ohio Farm Bureau state trustee representing Darke, Miami, Clark, and Champaign counties, testified before the Joint Committee on Property Tax Review and Reform earlier this month. The committee is tasked with looking at long-term solutions for CAUV and residential property tax values, as substantial increases in property taxes are being realized in all facets, including the Current Agricultural Use Value program.

“The issue of property taxation remains one of the biggest challenges our members face today,” Aultman told the committee. “The property tax bill always comes due, whether we face floods, droughts or any other unpredictable events, and the volatility in the current system is frankly leaving many farmers struggling to turn profits year in and year out. Finding a way to limit volatility in our property tax system must be accomplished so that we are not only not taxing residents out of their homes, but so that the backbone of Ohio’s economy – agriculture- can continue to survive.”

Aultman stressed to committee members that CAUV should not be only viewed as a tax-saving tool for members; it must also be seen as a farmland preservation tool.

Read the full story here…