FM Jets boys basketball camp a good time for all

Franklin Monroe Jets basketball program hosts 40 youth to annual summer camp

PITSBURG – The Franklin Monroe Jets boys basketball program completed a three day camp with 40 boys attending the event.

Veteran Jets coach, Troy Myers led the campers through basketball drills, games and discussion time during the three hours each day.

“The biggest thing for us this year is to find the joy in the gym for three days and teach them about our values, how we want to play and the type of teammates we want to be,” said Myers. “We’re talking a lot about what it means to be a great teammate but at the end of the day it is just about the joy the young kids bring.”

“They have no agenda, they’re not being selfish because they just want to have fun right now,” he continued. “That allows all of us to enjoy the experience rather than come in with a certain agenda or a selfish way about it.”

The Franklin Monroe basketball coaching staff along with 15 high school players assisted Coach Myers.

“I’m glad that our older guys are taking part in it the camp,” Myers stated. “Not only are they serving but they are feeling the energy these young guys bring and I think it is genuine, it’s normal for them. You love to see the faces when they walk in that door with smiles on their faces – that’s the way it should be.”

Former Jets standout basketball player and current member of the Ashland University basketball team, Ethan Conley returned to his alma mater to assist with the camp.

“Ethan is fantastic – you’re not going to find anyone better,” said Coach Myers. “He’ll be a senior at Ashland. He offered to help. I told him kid’s camp next week and he said I’ll be there.”

“That puts a smile on my face because he does not have to be here and he is giving of his time,” Myers added. “He is being a servant and what better example of a servant can you have than somebody like that.”