GREENVILLE—Members of the Greenville Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post and some of their significant others helped box up grocery items this past Thursday night to put in the food boxes that will be delivered to an estimated 16 veteran families in the coming week.
Thanks to the local Road Hoggs Motorcycle Club, lots of food was brought to them at the Traffic Circle in downtown Greenville to be used for the VFW’s Thanksgiving Food Drive For Veterans.

Once that drive was over, the food items were taken to the VFW to be stored until the items could be sorted and boxed for distribution.
Darke County Veterans Services officials provided the VFW with the names of designated families that will be receiving these edible gifts.
The Road Hoggs reportedly collected at least 34 cases of food donations for the annual cause.
The night before it was packaged at the VFW, the food was sorted and labels were made to help with its distribution. Helping out with that were Dave Cline, Connie Brinley and Linda Arthur.
Each family will receive two boxes full of canned and boxed foods, other edibles and some frozen meat.
Working on packaging the food on Thursday included Commander Bob Klosterman and his wife, Chris; Dave Cline; Shearl Pitman; Toni Profitt; Jamie and Mindy McGlinch; and Steve and Kelly Strick.
Last year, 21 veterans and their families received the food that was collected then.
The deliveries will be made by various post members to the designated families on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Food that is left over is slated to go to The Journey Home at 325 S. Oak St., in Winchester, Ind. The Journey Home is a non-profit organization providing housing options, harm reduction services, and outreach to veterans experiencing homelessness.
It is believed this Thanksgiving Food Drive project has been going strong for at least 30 years, and that at one point in time it was handled by Marlene McGlinch, who died in February 2021 at the age of 94. The Road Hoggs got involved 10 or 12 years ago, Klosterman thought.