Your Happy Place is a home away from home for local residents

Keiser (in plaid), with clients at Your Happy Place Greenville.

GREENVILLE—While similar to all of the other the dayhabs in Darke County, adult day center Your Happy Place (YHP) holds a bit of its own special charm.

At the facility, located in Greenville, its unique charm can be attributed to the staff, and their ability to highlight their client’s talents and interests.

While open from 9 a.m. to about 3 p.m. on weekdays, the staff follows a very loose schedule with clients.

“We literally just have fun,” YHP Manager Jessica Keiser said. “We kind of march to our own beat. We just go with it, if they just aren’t feelin it, we will do something else. I make my own calendar every week. It just gives us a highlight of what we should be doing. But if there’s something that they want to do, we’ll do it.”

Sue Huston, Darke County DD Community Connects & Advocacy Coordinator, added that the facility is very individually-driven.

“I try to get their input on things that they want to do,” Keiser said. “Instead of having them keep doing the same thing over and over.”

The activities available at YHP vary.

“We do a lot of volunteering, we go out to eat, we go to the movies,” Keiser said. “We do a lot of in-house activities, like art work. We play cards, we have a lot of clients that love to play cards all day long.”

The dayhab’s 28 clients are from all over the area, within Darke County and in surrounding counties as well.

“We go everywhere honestly,” Keiser said. “We go all the way to Vandalia to pick people up, Lewisburg, Union City, Versailles even, we go everywhere.”

She added that they’re even expecting a couple of new clients from Covington and Bradford.

There are three adult day centers in Darke County, in addition to Art Sense there is Your Happy Place, in Greenville, and ActiveDAY, in Greenville.

YHP was founded in 2010, in Eaton, by Holly Lovely. The original dayhab, along with YHP residential services still operates.

For more information on Darke County DD, go to their Facebook Page, site or contact Huston at For more information on Your Happy Place Greenville, go to their Facebook Page.