Who ordered all of this white stuff?


The year 2025 has already gotten me to start thinking more about my future. Why not? Jamie and I have spent quite a few days at home to do so.

I don’t like traveling too much in windy, snowy, icy weather.

I honestly don’t remember having much snow accumulation this early in a new year but I may be wrong. It’s not really bad, but I’d rather have one or two inches of it at a time….spread sort of far apart.

I won’t lie and say that I hate snow because it can be beautiful and it entertains a lot of people no matter what and I would not begrudge them.

Travel-wise, I cringe when I think of getting out in it…especially when I was working full-time.

In the early days of my career, I traveled through some white-outs, slick pavements and actual storms while on the job.

This first snow of January didn’t worry me at first because we didn’t get as much as other communities to the south of us or other places across the country did. At least, I didn’t have to go to any doctor’s appointments (they are a little later on but still in the wintertime). Now, I only have to get outside for sure to pick up some food or prescriptions to keep us going until the weather gets better.

I did get out the next day of the storm before this last one and took my shovel and broom out to clear a path around both sides of my car and to clean the snow off of my vehicle. I was terrified of falling since I’m not that good on my feet all of the time, but I put on a pair of shoes that I added special attachments a few years back to keep me from falling. They worked!

My footwear wasn’t attractive but it got me where I wanted to go with no “accidents.”

I did get to view people and their interaction with the snow on social media via Facebook from the comfort of my own home. I saw where local children were challenging others to make snow angels….and they did. Brrrrrrrrr! I know they had fun, but I hope they don’t get sick from it.

I remember our childhood and how we threw snowballs at each other, went sled riding and such things that go along with that sort of weather. I even made some homemade ice cream a couple of times, using the clean snow outside in order to do that. It was tasty but, after hearing some reports, I didn’t know if it was really healthy. And, no, I’m not just talking about yellow snow.

Jamie and I opted to not go to some local events but we are glad now that we look back on it. It could have been dangerous, but we didn’t want to experience it so we played it safe.

It takes a lot of coaxing to talk Jamie out of attending a function he enjoys, but he eventually caved into me and actually admitted we made the right decision. He doesn’t drive and never has so he doesn’t understand what drivers could go through during inclement weather.

This time at home has me spending a lot of time thinking about friends and family who are facing some medical crises and I wish them all the best and hope they receive miracles.

The only thing that truly bothers me during this time are achy feet, knees, legs and back, and I notice that more in cold weather and that’s what we’re having so I guess I will live with it.

We still have a few more months of this white stuff and cold air so I guess we sit back and wish for the best from here on out. So, everyone who is suffering from any sort of health issue, take great care of yourself.

I want to send kudos to road crews in town and country, law enforcement and medical units who are called out for various reasons on days like these.

I even extend appreciation to those who help their friends and neighbors in getting the snow removed from their properties after heavy snowfalls. We were blessed once again to have an angelic neighbor clear out our driveway on Saturday. Thanks to all of you who can do that for others.

It’s going to be an interesting year. Let’s hope and pray the rest of the winter will go easy on us.


Jamie and I extend our condolences to the families and friends of former co-worker Kyle Shaner, Shirley Litmer, Micheal Johnson, Donald Floyd Hampshire, Ruth Ann Loudy, Donald Strawser, Ruth Newbauer Avery and Connor Frye.


Seeking prayers for these people: Sunni Jones, Mark Howdieshell, Renee Bergman, Sherry Lawrence, Jim Marker, Kierra Reichert, Evelyn Manning, Becky Shultz, Tom Everhart, Kevin Schlechty, Darla Printz Whittaker, Roan Brubaker, Sandy Partin, Sandy Gunckle, Tonya Kelly, Jody Christman, Robert Christman, Mike Hopkins, Bob Christian, GraceLynn Harter, Chester Bryant, Linda Johnston, Terri Hunt, Patricia Maier, Ken Wombold, Delores Beisner, Jodi Gilpin Snyder, Charlie Bulcher, Ron Moody, Charlyee Severance, Justin Fritz, Jeremy “Jerm” Burke, DeWayne Yohey, Katrina Hoening, (cousin) Carol Byrd, Gladys Neff, Kara Didier, Carl Francis, Craig “Cheese” Thompson, Bridget Brown, Don DeBord, Otis Stewart, Slug Midlam, Bob Peters, Phyllis Brumbaugh, Judy Collins, Linda Gasper, Carol Hemmerich, Dan and Lisa Lockhart, Roberta Hall, Kelly Kelch, Mike Mayse, Steve Waymire, Nikole Baldridge, Lester Beisner, Mark Lovejoy, Judy York, Donald Booker, Dennis Leeper, Connie Stachler, Randy Heck, Ronnie Norton, Gary Eichler, David Pretzman, Clinton Randall, Ralph Byrd, Bruce Kaiser, Amanda Mote, Paul Gigandet, Doug Whittington, Neal Gray, Judie Hathaway, Randy Garrison, Kathy Gragorace, Donna Bixler, Cathy Melling and all others who are suffering from other life-altering illnesses.


Happy birthday to:

Jan. 15 to Tyler Neal, Jane Faller Hole, Larry Pierron, Scott Young and Mike Meckes.

Jan. 16 to Ida Noggle, Jim Grant, Jeff Byram, Nancy Linebaugh, Tisha Hodson Shepherd, Miranda Weist Flora and Gary Hummel.

Jan. 17 to Tyler Hiestand, Wanda Burke, Anita Unrast, Ken Moore, Lois Drew and Jennifer Teegarden.

Jan. 18 to Tom Moody, Jeff Wappelhorst, Tonya Francis Riffell,

Jan. 19 to Chrystal Meade Rediger, Taylor Hammaker and Josh Swisher.

Jan. 20 to Judie Hathaway, Josh Riffell, Karen Fiste, Ellen Hetzler, Alexa Hetzler, David Kress and Bud Howell.

Jan. 21 to Connie Hodson, Jr. Bryant, Tina Lyme, Cindy Shuttleworth, Denise Huff and Jennifer Trittschuh.


Think about it: “There is nothing that one can imagine perfectly beforehand, not the least of things. Everything is made up of so many unique particulars that cannot be foreseen.”–Author Unknown