Troy Police Department receives 10th Accreditation Award

Marlon Lynch, CALEA Board Chair (far left), and W. Craig Hartley, Jr., Executive Director of CALEA (far right), present the CALEA Certificate of Accreditation to Troy's accreditation team (left to right: Officer Tim Weaver, Police Chief Shawn McKinney, Officer Chris Baker. (Courtesy photo)

TROY – On November 16, the Troy Ohio Police Department received its 10th Accreditation Award from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). The Troy Police Department voluntarily participates in the process to demonstrate its commitment to our community by meeting the professional standards set forth by the Commission.

“Congratulations to Chief McKinney and the entire Troy Police Department on once again passing the rigorous CALEA Accreditation process,” said Mayor Robin Oda. “The professionalism and dedication they demonstrate on a daily basis are to be applauded. As a community, we should be very proud of this team as they work to keep us safe and help make Troy one of the best places to live, work and play.”

The CALEA accreditation process allows Troy’s Police Department to demonstrate its commitment to continuous development, using internationally recognized professional standards. The agency was first accredited in 1993 and has maintained accreditation since.

To receive this award, the department must maintain continuous compliance throughout a 4-year cycle. The process included a committee hearing in which Chief Shawn McKinney, along with Troy’s accreditation team, answered questions about the department’s operations, policy and procedures. The committee then recommended Troy’s continued accreditation to the full Commission.