Last Saturday night, January 4th, Greenville High School held the 5th annual “Night of Champions” celebration. This event is to honor teams from the past who won league championships during their time in school. It is a fun event, and I was one of the lucky ones who got to participate, see old friends again, and tell lies about how we were greater than people, and ourselves, think we were!
The championship teams honored this year were:
2012 GWOC North Cheerleading squad2001 GMVC Boys tennis
1988 GMVC AND DISTRICT Girls Track and Field
1985 GMVC Girls Cross Country
1982 GMVC Boys Golf
1980 SWBL Boys Baseball
1978 SWBL Girls Track and Field
And finally, the 1971 MVL Undefeated Football team, of which I was a small part.
This was a really fun time and my brother Dan and I as we got to meet up with a few of our old teammates before hand and reminisce about old times. It is always fun to see old friends (and in our case, we are old!) and talk about your High School years. You still in school may not recognize it now, but when you get older, you will realize that High School may have been one of the best times of your life. It was for me, and it seemed like it may have been for my fellow teammates.
We spent about 45 minutes meeting with the other championship teams, talking to them. What struck me was how proud all of them were of what they had accomplished so long ago; it was still in their memory. Every time I think back on what the 1971 football team did, all the work, commitment, sweat and blood, and the rewards, it gets sweeter each time I think about it. I am sure it does for the other champions, too.
Finally, a little before 7:00, we were led into the gym, waiting to be introduced. We were introduced by Dr. Alex Warner, who writes his “Shots in the Darke” column on MY COUNTY LINK, the online newspaper here in Darke County! (it’s pretty good now…..I’ve tried to coach him!…..ok, I lied!)
What was nice to see was when each team was introduced, all got a standing ovation from the crowd (it was a very good turnout!) People, young and old, seemed to be very proud of the teams that had accomplished some form of greatness when they were in school, and I am sure some of the ones still in school are hoping the same for themselves and their teams.
After the introductions were over, we all stood by the stage for a group picture, then we went out into the lobby……our night was done. Still, standing around talking to my classmates and teammates who showed up, what happened next was strictly unrehearsed. Gaylen Blosser asked me to interview several of them, and I was more than happy to oblige him.
I was struck by two things they all said. One, the Juniors and Seniors on the team all said that they enjoyed the camaraderie and friendships we all had with each other more than anything, and two, the sophomores on the team, Ty House and Neil Emrick, both said they remembered the Senior leadership, and how we made them part of the team too, even though they didn’t get much playing time.
I often think about the first one, I do like all those guys and still consider all of them good friends, even the Cheerleaders who were a big part of our success too! I had really never thought about the second one, being a leader as a Senior, but I now know it is more important for success than I ever realized.
Having learned this lesson Saturday, I want to pass this on to the Seniors and Seniors to be next year in all of our county schools this simple message: Lead by example, you never know the influence you will have on those younger than you. This not only means on the athletic field, but in the classroom and halls of the school. Set the example of what winning and leadership look like. People respect that, and your example will lead into the future as you show future athletes and students how to be a leader.
It was a good evening for everyone, and it was also a learning experience for all. Saturday night showed Greenville that excellence had been achieved in the past, and gave promise to those still at the High School for the future. You can achieve something if you are willing to put in the work ON YOUR OWN. Anything worth having does not come without hard work and individual sacrifice.
Start now, do it on your own, you don’t need a coach or teacher to work hard on your own, take the initiative to be better on your own. Start running, lifting weights, getting stronger and in shape now, and spring practice in all sports will be easier, you just have to want to be better……there is no substitute! Coaches and teachers work year-round at their jobs prepping for the future, and you should too.
Thank you to the school system for this great event. I know everyone enjoyed it, and I look forward to more of these events for future honorees. Huh…..I never knew that I would be on a team that 53 years ago remains the only 10-0, undefeated football team, and every snap of the ball in all those games was started by little old me…….I never missed a play! I am one lucky guy to be a part of something much bigger than me…….and I will never forget it!
That’s the way I see it……….from the sidelines!