Richland Gardens: Thanks to Each of You!


We would like to personally thank each of you for patronizing our business,  as we come to the close of the 2023 spring Greenhouse season. Without customers no business could survive.

We are currently Open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and other days by appointment, All Sundays we will be closed. We have some Perennials Roses and Flower pots along with some Hanging Baskets that are still available for purchase, and we may possibly offer some fall potted plant selections.

This year has not been without some challenges, and one of those challenges has been our method advertising, we are currently in the midst of trying to decide what may be the best options to notify you of what we have to offer and to get the attention of other potential customers. A few of you have already offered some very good suggestions, all of which have been received and some of which will no doubt be used. That being said, any of you can go onto our website at or our Facebook page to offer your suggestions for future changes.

It has been our pleasure to serve you and to get to know some of you a little more personally, although we may not know you by name each of you are special to us. Any of the “Greenthumb” knowledge we share with you, of what may help your plants perform better, may be gleaned from stories and information that we have received from people just like you, so please do not think that we are smarter than the average person, but remember your story may have the pebble in the water affect where the ripples go on and on and on.

As we retold a story, to a customer, that was told to us by an older man from our neighborhood several years ago, another customer overheard the story and told us that was her grandfather.

 We met a school teacher that taught special needs children, and we were able to share with her our appreciation for the job she chose, we were also one of those special needs children at one time. Without the perseverance of my own mother and a special teacher, both of who invested a lot of time into me, I would not have learned to read. Today it is my belief that if you can learn to read you can conquer the world.

We also talked to a grandfather that told us that one of his granddaughters was going to college to become a teacher, we would just like to say “Thank You!” in advance, who knows what each child you may help to educate will some day become. There are a few facts that you can be certain of, the first of which is that your influence on each child can be lifelong, and life changing for many of them. and the other one is that you will be doing a job that many important and great people would be unable to do, that is educating the next generation of children that will continue on the job of making important decisions that may affect many other lives in a positive way.

Some of you were fathers and mothers of children at different stages in life, and you shared with us where they were in their lives. And yet others of you were customers that I helped to serve when I was a very young boy. And still others of you shared with us your trials of life or you have given us encouraging words in the dark valleys of our own lives.

It has been our pleasure to serve each of you. and we are already looking forward to serving you in the future as we set our eyes on the 2024 season.

Our prayer for each of you is summarized in the Bible, Numbers 6:24-26 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.