Richland Gardens End of Season Plant Sale


Come to Richland Gardens June 19 – June 24 for their end of season plant sale!

All Flower and Vegetable Plants are 35% off. Geraniums and Hanging Baskets are 35% off, (excluding Fern Hanging Baskets which are $11.75 ea.). Roses and Perennials are 20% off.

Richland Gardens is also a new certified composting Facility. They are helping to reduce waste headed for landfills. Compost is a Natural soil amendment rich in nutrients making it great for gardens and flower bed.

Richland Gardens, located at 6914 U.S. Rt. 36 East, Greenville,  is open Monday through Saturday 8am – 7:30pm.

“We are thankful to welcome everyone! Spring is a beautiful time!” – Ed and Karen Flora.