Randy Fourman… You will be missed RIP


It is bad enough to be cooped up in our homes during this snowy, unbearable cold, wintry weather, but you feel even more helpless when you hear about the death of a dear friend or loved one.

And, that’s what happened this week.

Seventeen years ago around this time, Jamie and I were moving into our current residence. I didn’t remember it, but Jamie recalls we didn’t have a car, so I’m guessing it was in a garage getting fixed. My sister, Bev, helped us move boxes of things to our new residence to help us out days up to the actual move.

I guess my friend, Sharon Fourman, felt sorry for me and volunteered her husband, Randy, and her brother, Ron Rismiller, to help with the bigger items. And, thanks to that thoughtful and very much appreciated gesture, we totally got moved. I cannot even remember how many trips were made from the former residence to the current residence just blocks away in this small community of Ansonia, but they made it happen for us. Jamie said he remembers it even snowed some that day. I must have forgotten that part.

Sadly, Sharon passed away on Feb. 12, 2018, and her husband, Randy, suffered a major heart attack this past Thursday at his residence.

What a shock! I knew Sharon was sick before her death but I would never have guessed Randy would go next.

The blues have hit me bad. He was a good man, father and had a great work ethic. Sharon loved her husband and he was good with their two daughters, Krista and Kim as well as his three grandchildren. Owner of a construction company for more than 35 years, he would spend a lot of time in the barn and even helped his daughters and grandchildren with their various 4-H projects.

He was a former 4-H advisor and had been affiliated with the Army National Guard and St. John Lutheran Church, not to mention other interests at home and out in the public.

I want to send condolences to all who knew him. He grew up in a big family and I’m pretty sure he had numerous friends. He was a quiet, kind man whose presence will be missed by all who knew him.

Krista and Kim, keep the memories of your dad embedded in your minds and hearts. I am pretty sure he is responsible for both of your successful careers because of his work ethic.

Here is a poem that Krista shared on Facebook. I am not sure of the author but I just had to share it.

In Memory of my Dad

If I could write a story… it would be the greatest ever told of a kind and loving father who had a heart of gold.

I could write a million pages, but still, I am unable to say just how much I love him and miss him every single day.

I will remember all he taught me I’m hurt but won’t be sad, because he’ll send me down the answers.. and will always be My Dad.

Rest in peace, Randy!


Jamie and I extend our condolences to the families and friends of Randy Fourman, Wanda Seman Baker, Sheila Didier, Kathy E Walters, Tracey Smith and Myrna Gehle Gigandet.


Seeking prayers for these people: Jeff Martin, Dan Foster, Sunni Jones, Mark Howdieshell, Renee Bergman, Sherry Lawrence, Jim Marker, Kierra Reichert, Evelyn Manning, Becky Shultz, Tom Everhart, Kevin Schlechty, Darla Printz Whittaker, Roan Brubaker, Sandy Partin, Sandy Gunckle, Tonya Kelly, Jody Christman, Robert Christman, Mike Hopkins, Bob Christian, GraceLynn Harter, Chester Bryant, Linda Johnston, Terri Hunt, Patricia Maier, Ken Wombold, Delores Beisner, Jodi Gilpin Snyder, Charlie Bulcher, Ron Moody, Charlyee Severance, Justin Fritz, Jeremy “Jerm” Burke, DeWayne Yohey, Katrina Hoening, (cousin) Carol Byrd, Gladys Neff, Kara Didier, Carl Francis, Craig “Cheese” Thompson, Bridget Brown, Don DeBord, Otis Stewart, Slug Midlam, Bob Peters, Phyllis Brumbaugh, Judy Collins, Linda Gasper, Carol Hemmerich, Dan and Lisa Lockhart, Roberta Hall, Kelly Kelch, Mike Mayse, Steve Waymire, Nikole Baldridge, Lester Beisner, Mark Lovejoy, Judy York, Donald Booker, Dennis Leeper, Connie Stachler, Randy Heck, Ronnie Norton, Gary Eichler, David Pretzman, Clinton Randall, Ralph Byrd, Bruce Kaiser, Amanda Mote, Paul Gigandet, Doug Whittington, Neal Gray, Judie Hathaway, Randy Garrison, Kathy Gragorace, Donna Bixler, Cathy Melling and all others who are suffering from other life-altering illnesses.


Happy birthday to:

Jan. 22 to Tammy Mendenhall, Linda Miller Budde, Greg Moody Ryan Francis, Leon Rogers, Diane Delaplane and Mindy Saylor.

Jan. 23 to Missy Hall Guillozet, Dixie Whittaker and Tyler Greer.

Jan. 24 to Mindi Bowers Schaefer, Rick Lee and Toni Midlam.

Jan. 25 to Teresa Ketring, Greg Knick, Ken DeMange and Tom Holden.

Jan. 26 to Barbara Riffell Helm, Joe Wappelhorst, Cassidy York, Terry Black Jr., Carla Kunk and Kay Bunch.

Jan. 27 to Ethel Lenker, Chad Beam, Aaron Teegarden and Roxanne Meadows.

Jan. 28 to David Michael Bowers, Pam Shotz Weaver, Missy Smith and Debb Summer.

Happy anniversary to Todd and Darla Printz.


Think about it: “Be true to your work, your word and your friend.”–Henry David Thoreau