Popular Greenville church unveils new name

church building
EUM unveils name change to Reverent Church. (Clinton J Randall photo)

GREENVILLE – A popular Darke County church has officially changed its name. Formerly known as EUM, the church unveiled its new name and logo on Wednesday.

“Our new name is Reverent Church,” said Lead Pastor Jeff Harper. “As an adjective, Reverent is feeling or showing deep respect. As Reverent Church we will enter God’s presence and obey his Word with deep respect for who he is and what he wants to do through us.”

“We changed our name because we left the United Methodist denomination two years ago, so the letters EUM no longer have any meaning, except for the ministry God accomplished under that name,” continued Pastor Harper. “EUM used to stand for Evangelical United Methodist. We thought we would continue to use EUM as everyone knew us by that name, but the Lord led us to a new name. God changed people’s names in the Bible as He promised to use them in a mighty way, like Abram to Abraham, Jacob to Israel, and Simon to Peter. We believe that God wants to do something new through our church so he led us to our new name.”

“After the first of the year, we will begin to implement plans to add a kitchen to our worship center on Sater St. in Greenville and enlarge our lobby and cafe area. People will notice right away that our sign out front reads “Reverent Church.” We also added visitor parking to make it easier for our guests to find parking spaces. We want everyone to know that they are significant to God,” Pastor Harper explained.

The church found its beginning in 1858 when a small group of people decided to start a United Brethren Church in Greenville. Twenty years later they put together a revival where 127 people responded to Jesus. The church at 111 Devor St., where a traditional service still takes place, was built in 1885. The worship center at 1451 Sater St. was built in 2010.

Shown here is a temporary banner displaying EUM changing its name to Reverent Church. According to Lead Pastor Jeff Harper, a permanent sign will be completed during the spring of 2025. (Clinton J Randall photo)

Currently, the church averages just over 1100 in worship attendance. One of the top congregations in the area.

“Most of our members are excited about the name change. I really haven’t heard any negative from our members, though I’m sure there are some who don’t care for it,’ noted Pastor Harper. “Change is difficult and most people avoid it. We’ve been EUM since 1968, so it might take a while to click.”

“The response from those gathered at our church to watch the reveal video was wonderful. There is so much excitement about what God is doing, and going to do under our new name. We are baptizing almost 20 people next weekend, which is evidence of God working in people’s lives. We anticipate that will continue into the future. Almost 100 people have been baptized so far in 2024. God is moving,” he added.

“I am very pleased with all the work my staff and leadership board put into making this historic change. Reverent Church is ready to join all the other churches in Darke County who are faithfully following Jesus, striving to accomplish his will as we make disciples together. God is calling his church to action and we stand ready to live in awe of his presence and his Word,” Pastor Harper concluded.

According to Pastor Harper, worship service hours are staying the same, with contemporary services at 6:30 pm on Thursday night, then 9:00 am, 10:30 am and again at Noon on Sunday… all at the worship center on Sater Street. Traditional service is held at 9:45 am at the downtown campus on Devor Street.

For complete information visit the church’s official website at www.reverentchurch.org