Feb. 6, 8:03 a.m.: Dispatched to Speedway, at 1551 Covington Ave, for a plastic bag of white powder that was located in the parking lot. The property was not drug related, possessed no monetary value, and it was destroyed.
Feb. 6, 4:43 p.m.: Female with known mental health issues stated someone was walking around inside her
residence in the 1000 block of Clark Ave. The residence was checked and nothing suspicious was found.
Feb. 6, 8:05 a.m.: Responded to traffic crash referencing a semi and trailer striking a fire hydrant near N Main St. and E. Ash St. The semi left before arrival and could not be located. OH-1 completed.
Feb. 6, 3:53 p.m.: The manager of Winan’s, at 310 Spring St., advised that an adult male is coming into the store and making her employees feel uneasy. The manager did not know the male’s name and could not provide a physical description. The store manager reported that she would advise her employees to call when the male comes into the store so he can be identified and trespassed.
Feb. 8, 11:35 a.m.: Caller advised neighbor was parking in her husbands spot in front of the residence in the 200 block of Roosevelt Ave. Upon arrival, officers observed no parking violations and the caller was advised of our findings.
Feb. 8, 12:02 p.m.: Complainant advised she rented four tires from a tire dealer to put onto her vehicle. The complainant advised she has yet to make a payment on the tires, so the tire dealer came and removed her tires from her vehicle. The complainant advised the dealer is now making her come and pick up her rims which she did not think should be her responsibility since her vehicle was now up on cinder blocks. Complainant was advised this was civil issue and needed to be addressed in court.
Feb. 8, 12:57 p.m.: FBI agent requested officer attempt to make contact with a resident in the 400 block of Weber St. for one of their investigations. Officers responded and attempted to make contact but received no answer. The agent was advised.
Feb. 8, 2:37 p.m.: Caller advised an unknown truck has been parked in front of his residence in the 700 block of Brice St. for months. Police made contact with RO of the truck and she advised it broke down and she would get it towed. They will check my next work shift to see if it has moved.
Feb. 8, 4 p.m.: Caller advised her ex husband damaged her vehicle during a child custody exchange. The male
was charged with criminal damaging.