Ohio Challenge Hot Air Balloon Festival set for July 21-22

The hot air balloon glow is one of the most popular displays at the event. (File photo by Deron Newman)

Make plans now! The Ohio Challenge Hot Air Balloon Festival is scheduled for July 21-22, at Smith Park in Middletown. Activities for the weekend include hot air balloons, a night balloon glow, car show, fireworks, plane show and rides, carnival rides and more.  

From the Ohio Challenge website: 

“Come out and join us to see 20+ hot air balloons (weather permitting). You will be able to see them in all their glory and beautiful colors. Whether you’ve never seen hot air balloons or you’re a Ohio Challenge veteran you will be in for a surprise this year. We are changing our format to give guest a closer experience than we ever have before. 

(File photo by Deron Newman)

“Guests will have opportunities to walk within feet of fully inflated balloons to get a true up close and personal view. You will have an opportunity to see the flames roar and talk to the balloon pilots for a true interactive experience. 

“A fan favorite, the night balloon glow is a magical display that families look forward to every year. This year’s balloon glows will be held both Friday and Saturday at dusk.” 

For more information and a complete schedule of activities go to www.ohiochallenge.com.