MV-MVCTC FFA Member of the Quarter

Member of the Quarter, Emily Byram


The Mississinawa Valley MVCTC-FFA Chapter would like to recognize Emily Bryam as the member of the quarter for the second quarter of the school year! Emily sold the most fruit in our annual Fruit Sale. This year, she sold a total of $2,487.00 worth of fruit. Emily is very involved in ag class and always does a great job. Emily’s SAE is her work at Byram Family Farms, her family’s cattle farm.

Her favorite memory in FFA is attending the National Convention with her friends. She has participated in The Great Darke County Fair, Fall Fair, National Convention, the Fruit Sale, and Christmas Caroling. She is also a part of the General Livestock Judging Team.

Outside of FFA, Emily is on the basketball team, runs cross country, and is very involved in 4-H. After high school, her plans are to attend college to become a sonographer. Emily is the daughter of Andy and Jessica Byram. Congratulations Emily!