MV FFA attends National FFA Convention

Aldon Edger and Shane Germann walked across the stage to receive the chapter’s three star recognition for their national chapter award. (Submitted photo)

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – The Mississinawa Valley MVCTC-FFA Chapter attended the 97th National FFA Convention. The convention was held on October 23-26, 2024. It was held in the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana. The members who attended were Aron Hunt, Aaron Hummel, Thomas Gower, Brandon Miller, Bryson Gower, Tanner Leichty, Paytyn Heistand, Breanna Germann, Christana Mangen, Dylan Wehrkamp, Makenna Guillozet, Taylee Woodbury, Harley Hanes, Stephany De La Torre Barron, Daniel Hartzell, Aldon Edger, Ethan Grow, Matalin Meyer, Shane Germann, and Brennan Manning. They were chaperoned by advisors Carmen Hartzell and Karlee Knapke.

At 8:00 a.m. Wednesday morning members left MV and headed for the Convention Center. Once they arrived the students had time to walk around and see all the booths. They grabbed lunch and attended the first session of the convention. In this session, they were entertained by speaker Kevin Wanzer’s message to engage others with love. After that, they headed back to the hotel to get changed and head to the National FFA Rodeo held at the Indiana State Fairgrounds.

On Thursday morning the members attended their Career Success Tours. They could choose to go to one of the following: Corteva, Case IH, and Driving Wind Farm.

There they learned the different careers that go into each of these fields. After their tours, they enjoyed lunch at Fogo De Chao, a Brazilian Steakhouse. Then students attended the second session of the convention, where they heard the retiring address from the National FFA Secretary, Grant Norfleet. Grant spoke about his personal experiences of comparing himself to others. He helped us all realize we are not any better or worse than those around us.

After his address, Aldon Edger and Shane Germann walked across the stage to receive the chapter’s three-star recognition for their national chapter award. They then left the session to eat dinner amongst themselves and as a chapter, they played with the Top Golf simulator at their hotel. After that, members headed back to their rooms to get some rest after such a long day.

On Friday morning members headed to the third session of the convention where they listened to keynote speaker Temple Grandin. She spoke about the three different types of thinkers, visual, mathematical, and word. She said how none are better than the others but, rather they are strongest when they work together. After the session was over members stopped for lunch and headed back home towards MV.

On Saturday, October 26th, advisor Carmen Hartzell returned back to Indianapolis to watch Lilly Severance, Ben Hartzell, and Kennedy Stachler receive their American Degrees. The American Degree is the highest degree and FFA member can receive. It is awarded to those who have shown the biggest commitment to the FFA as well as showcased their accomplishments to meet the set requirements. Congratulations Lilly, Ben, and Kennedy.

The members had a great time and did a wonderful job representing Mississinawa Valley’s FFA Chapter at the 97th National FFA Convention!