Morning Entertainment Featured at Gazebo

Here, Mora and the Boys band members Mora Menzie of Arcanum and Dalton Hesson of Versailles entertained fair-goers Monday morning at the Gazebo, thanks to Partners in Care of Darke County. They also performed Thursday evening at the same location. (Linda Moody photo)

GREENVILLE–The Partners in Care of Darke County sponsored the entertainment each morning of the Great Darke County Fair last week at the Gazebo.

Rest Haven sponsored the first one on opening day with “Nothing Fancy” featuring Roger and Madonna, and the Brethren Retirement Community sponsored the first Saturday concert there.

Juniper Menzie was on hand to watch her sister Mora in concert, bringing with her the little family lamb, Anna. So one could say Mora had a little lamb watching her when the lamb was not eating the grass. (Linda Moody photo)

Oakley Place and EverHeart Hospice presented Mora and the Boys on Monday morning.

JAG Healthcare of Union City, Jonah King, on Tuesday.

Ayden Health Care supported Mandy Rismiller’s concert on Wednesday.

Village Green sponsored the Coming Home Jazzy performance on Thursday.

Versailles Rehabilitation and Health Care Center, Ken and Mary Turbo, Accordions Express; and on the last Saturday, Brookdale Greenville presented Jonah Keen once again.