Mississinawa Valley MVCTC participates in public speaking contests 


The Mississinawa Valley MVCTC-FFA Chapter participated in a public speaking invitational called “Drop The Mic.” The Preliminary contest was held at Preble Shawnee HS on January 23, 2024.

Daniel Hartzell and Aldon Edger participated at the Preliminaries. Aldon participated in the extemporaneous speech category. His topic was careers in biotechnology. Aldon had 30 minutes to write and prepare a 3-5 minute long speech. Aldon was then asked questions by a panel of judges after his speech. Even though Aldon did not move on, we are still very proud of him.

Daniel participated in the prepared speech category. He spoke about unmanned drone sprayers and their use on today’s farms. Daniel’s 8-minute long speech was given to a panel of judges. Then, after his speech, he had to answer questions to gauge his knowledge of the topic. All of his hard work paid off, and Daniel qualified to move on to the finals. Daniel traveled across Ohio to Bloom Carroll Schools in Caroll, Ohio, for the finals contest held on January 27, 2024. Daniel placed 5th overall.

At the Darke County contest, Daniel and Aldon participated at Preble Shawnee HS. Both Daniel and Aldon represented Mississinawa Valley-MVCTC FFA well. Aldon participated in the extemporaneous contest, where, this time, he spoke about the benefits of GMOs. Daniel placed second at County in the advanced prepared contest, giving the same speech on unmanned drone sprayers where he advanced to the district competition. Districts were held on February 7, 2024, at MVCTC. Daniel placed 1st in the District 5 advanced prepared speaking contest and will be moving on to State! Daniel will compete at the state contest on March 2, 2024, at Marysville High School. Good luck, Daniel! We are extremely proud of all the hard work and time these two members put in.