Mississinawa Valley-MVCTC FFA participate in job interview


UNION CITY— A few members of the Mississinawa Valley – MVCTC FFA Chapter went to National Trail High School to participate in the Job Interview CDE on Nov. 10. Those members were Paytyn Hiestand, Matalin Meyer, and AJ Waymire.

Leading up to the contest, they wanted to prepare. To do this, they wanted to do some practice interviews. Our principal and superintendent, Mr. Winchester was kind enough to offer his time to interview them. This interview prepared them well.

While at the contest, all three did their absolute best. They wrote a cover letter, application, completed the interview, and they wrote a follow up letter as well. This CDE prepared them well for their future. Great job to all three of you for having the courage to take on this challenge! The chapter is proud of all three of you!