Lori Cochran named August 2023 Aktion Club Member of the Month

Lori receiving her trophy and certificate at the bi-weekly Kiwanis luncheon meeting. Pictured here with Phil Crawford of Kiwanis and Shelly Menger of Active Day-Darke.

The Aktion Club Member of the Month for August 2023 is Lori Cochran!

Cochran was nominated by her friends in the Aktion Club because she is always happy and smiling.

“Her happiness is contagious,” Shelly Menger of Active Day-Darke said.

She was very surprised and excited to receive the award.

“I was happy,” Cochran said.

Cochran enjoys helping the kids at Active Day-Darke with games and activities. Her primary volunteer work is assisting with all the activities and parties the Early Intervention team does for kids and their families.

Cochran is excited to help with Ansonia’s preschool Halloween party coming up. She loves working with kids.

Cochran loves Disney; her favorite character is Mickey Mouse. Her favorite movie is Grease, and she plans on dressing up as Sandy for Halloween. Cochran also really enjoys Richard Simmons and doing her exercises.

The Aktion Club recently did a community cleanup. This will be an ongoing project for the Aktion Club.

“Our Aktion Club members up at Art Sense cleaned up Worth Road,” Sue Huston, Community Connections & Advocacy Coordinator at Darke County Developmental Disabilities, said. “Then we met on Ohio Street. So we did the bike path, but then we also cleaned up along Ohio Street.”

In August, the Aktion Club gave 121 volunteer hours, with 32 members participating in over 20 service projects.

The Aktion Club recently had its officer elections. Elected was President Britney Buffenbarger, Vice President Chas Floyd, Secretary Matt Strickland, and Treasurer Jim Grewe.

The Aktion Club has also recently kicked off its biggest fundraiser, Mrs. Wicks Pie Sales. They use their fundraisers for their service projects. They want to invite community members to purchase a pie for this fundraiser by contacting Sue Huston or any Aktion club member. The fundraiser goes until October 16, and you will receive your pies on November 9.

For more info on The Kiwanis Aktion Club, follow the Darke County DD Facebook page. For questions about the club, contact Huston at [email protected].